The United Women in Faith (UWF) is a faith-based membership organization of laywomen within The United Methodist Church. UWF members are committed to growing as disciples of Jesus Christ in community with other women and advocating on behalf of women, children, and youth around the world. United Women in Faith (formerly known as the United Methodist Women or UMW) has been in mission for more than 140 years.
The UWF at Englewood UMC is made up of women of all ages. Our UWF is constituted of two circles: Lydia's Sisters and Women of the Way. Each of these circles meets on the third Tuesday of each month. The Women of the Way meet at 10:00 a.m. and Lydia's Sisters meet at 6:00 p.m.
Missions Supported by the UWF
Meals on Wheels
Backpack Buddies
Bears Afterschool Tutoring Program
Prayer Shawl Ministry
Bereavement Team
Global Missions through the Conference
We would love to have you visit one of our UWF circles! For more information, visit our Contact Page and leave a comment; we'll respond with more details of how you might get involved.
Women of the Way Third Tuesday at 10:00 a.m. Parlor
Lydia's Sisters Circle Third Tuesday at 6:00 p.m. Fellowship Hall
United Methodist Men
This organization was initiated by the United Methodist Church in 1996 with the mission of helping men in grow in Christ so that others might learn about Christ. The branch of the UMM at Englewood UMC pursues this mission through regular meetings, involvement in a variety of mission projects, and ongoing fundraising efforts that support a number of ministries.
The UMM group meets on the second Tuesday of each month, with the exception of June and July when they do not meet. These meetings feature a meal prepared by members of the group, as well as a program presented by a group or organization in the community or in the church. Men of all ages are welcome to attend.
The main fundraiser for the UMM is the sale of peanuts, which are prepared on-site at the church. This fundraiser was started to help fund the building of the church in 1955. Members would cook the peanuts in their kitchens at home, until the creation of the Peanut Shack here at the church. There are several cooking teams within the UMM who rotate shifts, cooking peanuts year round. Our peanuts are shipped around the world and are also available in the church office.