Through his life, death, and resurrection, Jesus established a community of love. The Greek word for this is agape (John 13). Agape is the picture of people graciously welcoming and providing for one another, which was lived out through mutual concern and responsibility for the spiritual, physical, and emotional well-being of everyone who came to be a part of the Body of Christ. This was Christ's vision for the church. Fundamentally, the act of giving to the church is an expression of this love, as it provides the spiritual leadership, pastoral care, and basic provision for the needs of the community, including the care for our church building and administration. As we combine our gifts together, the effect spreads beyond our congregation into our surrounding community and, through our connections in the global church, throughout the world. Giving together allows us to share the agape love of God far and wide!
Giving Is Worship, Our Response to God
Giving of our resources – our financial gifts as well as time, talent, and prayers – is a response to God’s boundless grace and generosity. It’s a form of worship acknowledging and expressing that all we have, as individual members of one Body, comes from God. Giving glorifies and honors God’s abundant generosity and reflects it back toward him as those made in his image and likeness. Giving also says we aren’t afraid of lacking anything because God is our source and we trust him.
Giving Is About More Than Money
When we become members of the church, we pledge to faithfully participate in the ministries of the church by our PRAYERS, our PRESENCE, our GIFTS, our SERVICE, and our WITNESS. Each of these areas of giving is of vital importance to the church's mission of "Making Disciples of Jesus Christ for the Transformation of the World". We hope that, as you are able, you will fulfill the calling to give in all of these ways, as a reflection of your faith and gratitude toward God; however, if you aren't able to give in every area right now, there is still a way for you to respond to God's generosity and contribute to the ministries of the church. Everything - from financial tithes and offerings to committing time in service of the church's ministries each week to faithfully praying over our prayer list - makes a difference as we work toward God's kingdom together!
If you have questions about giving or would like to learn more about opportunities to contribute to or participate in the ministries of Englewood United Methodist Church, call the Church Office at 252-443-2926. We would love to share with you! You can make financial contributions by clicking on the icon below.